Saturday, September 10, 2011

firing fireworks!!


The other night, after my finnish course, we went to see some fireworks from the beach near my house. People were shooting them from an island, and they were actually several groups competing against each other to see who had the best fireworks and the best timing with music.

The first one were the ones I preferred, maybe because there wasn't so much smoke in the air, like in the others. I actually managed to take a few nice pictures using just my mobile phone.

We came back to my house afterwards to have a late dinner and just as we were eating the fie alarm went off!!! Right in that moment it hit me that I had never heard a fire alarm go off for a real fire/smoke, I just had several simulation in school. So we had all walk down the stairs and try to figure out what had happened. Minutes later the firemen arrived and rushed in to see what was going on.

Can anyone guess??

I'll give you a hint... potatoes.

Nothing still??

Ok then... apparently a girl was cooking and burnt some potatoes, so the smoke activated the fire alarm and we all had to out in the cold, some of us in our pigiamas! Ahahahha it was hilarious tho!!
Some of us still think it was just an excuse to finally meet everyone! :)


L'altra sera, dopo il mio corso di finlandese, siamo andati a vedere alcuni fuochi d'artificio dalla spiaggia vicino a casa mia. Li stavano sparando da un'isola, ed erano in realtà diversi gruppi in competizione gli uni contro gli altri per vedere chi aveva i migliori fuochi e chi andava più a tempo con la musica.

I primi sono stati quelli che ho preferito, forse perché non c'era così tanto fumo nell aria, come in quelli successivi. Io in realtà sono riuscita a scattare alcune foto belle utilizzando solo il mio cellulare.

Siamo tornati a casa mia per una tarda cena e proprio mentre stavamo mangiando è scattato l'allarme antincendio! E sono in quel momento mi sono resa conto che non avevo mai sentito un allarme antincendio suonare per davvero, ho sempre solo avuto simulazione a scuola. Così abbiamo dovuto camminare tutti giù per le scale e cercare di capire cosa fosse successo. Poco dopo sono arrivati i vigili del fuoco.

Qualcuno riesce a indovinare cosa è successo?

Vi do un indizio ... patate.

Niente ancora?

Ok allora ... apparentemente una ragazza stava cucinando e ha bruciato delle patate, il fumo ha attivato l'allarme antincendio e siamo tutti dovuti uscire fuori al freddo, alcuni di noi in pigiama Ahahahha è stato divertente!
Magari era solo una scusa per incontrare finalmente tutti! :)

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